Dark Side Work

The saying, “We are only as sick as our secrets” is one that we hear in Twelve Step meetings frequently. But this truth is true in all of life. Take a look at the very prominent and well-known character, Anakin Skywalker, from the Star Wars films. He is the epitome of Carl Jung’s “dark side” theories. When we have secrets inside of us, if we do not own them, then they own us. Watch the YouTube clip, from “Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith,” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8QLKWvVK14, here to see how Anakin refuses to tell the truth about his thoughts, feelings and behaviors to the person who loves him most in the world. He insists on keeping his own counsel and he is clearly lying even to himself. Anything that stays in the shadows stays dark. All that is necessary is to shine light on it.

The very second that we own something dark and take the First Step of admitting that we have something inside of us that we have not been managing, we must take the Second Step, that of reaching out for help. One flashlight, especially when it is our distorted and running-on-empty, is not enough. Gather some extra lamplight and go forth into the beam.

Imagine you are a house and there is one room in you that never sees light, locked up and closed off. Eventually mold and germs would take over. As long as the room remained in the dark, it would be inaccessible and unusable, causing problems, no matter how light the rest of the house was. All that it would require is to open it up, shine some light and clean it out. The house would be whole again. Own that there is the dark and reach out to safe, caring people to help you keep that light shining. Remember in all avenues, we are Spiritual Beings having a Human Experience. That means we must always walk toward the light, but we need to do it with other Humans.

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